Stig-Åke Nilsson

Movies can be told in many different ways. I like the personal expression. It concerns casting, scenography and film language.

Stig-Åke Nilsson, born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden. I studied History of Science and Ideas at Uppsala University, and History and Cinema Studies at Stockholm University.

In 1983 I was lucky to start working at Studio 24, Roy Anderson’s film company, and I stayed for 5 years. I worked with scenography, recorded sound, gaffer, lighting, assistant director and casting. After two years, in 1985, I was a Production Manager and I got the chance to direct my own commercials.

In 1988 I started working as a freelance. I directed commercials for different production companies all over Europe. In addition to commercials and documentaries, I have worked with Roy Andersson during different occasions over the years.

I work very hard on the casting in my films so that I am satisfied with my characters. I believe that it is important to find a personality, a strong character that can create curiosity and get attention from an audience.

Today I work as film director with commercials, documentary and fiction. One more thing: I have always been interested in history. Without history, it’s hard to understand mankind and our own time.
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© 2018 Stig-Åke Nilsson